Hood River House Sitters is a family run business with over 30 years experience in commercial and residential care and maintenance. They have been providing service in the Columbia River Gorge for over 16 years now. The Johnston Family wanted a business that would allow them to work together as a family while providing essential services to clients who are concerned about the safety and maintenance of their home and/or business. Over the past 16 years they have turned this once “idea” into a successful, full time business here in The Gorge.
Tad Johnston is a native of Hood River and a Master Gardener. He is great at landscape creativity & consulting. He takes ownership for the “look” of his town. He has a passion for the appearance of the homes and businesses in Hood River and surrounding Gorge area. (You may find him removing “old” fliers left on poles around town). His training & experience in building maintenance from his previous employer, Sprint. His residential experience has been with Hood River home owners and also as a real estate investor since 1997. His 10 years as a Hood River Volunteer Fire Fighter has enabled him to spot potential problems before they occur. Tad really has an eye for detail!
Jacque Johnston moved to Hood River in 2003 from Salt Lake City, Utah. She earned her experience in residential care by owning and managing real estate investments since 1994 in Colorado, Utah and now (her final resting place) Hood River, OR. Her passion is the care & maintenance of property and the love & health of people and pets. She is also a former Elite Gymnast and retired gymnastics coach at Riverside Gymnastics in The Dalles. Jacque formerly worked at Hood River Adopt-A-Dog as the volunteer & foster care coordinator. Her passion for dogs is well-known in the community, where she volunteers her time rescuing lost or stray dogs (and other animals). She manages the Facebook Group “Lost and found dogs of Hood River County.”
They are proud parents of 16 year old Jacy, who is a former State Gymnastics Champion and now avid Volleyball player for HRVHS. The family has 4 fabulous rescue dogs: Diesel (Tad’s work dog), Axle & Kya – all blue heelers and Daisy, a big old hound dog!